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Deep Clean Carpets Without Heavy Carpet Protector Machines

Cleaning carpets feel like a daunting task, especially if you don’t have a cleaning machine. Also, renting carpet protector machines is not cheap. 

So, how do you remove all the gunk and stain from carpets easily without shelling out enough cash? 

We will tell you how!

This blog will talk about some clever tips to deep clean carpets that can be done without heavy machines. The only machine you will need is a regular old vacuum cleaner and a few things from the pantry.

So, let’s get going!

Deep Cleaning Carpets With a Regular Vacuum Cleaner

Gather some baking soda or dish soap and grab your vacuum cleaner. 

Now assemble the tools – an old toothbrush, a clean rag or towel, and a bucket.

The process –

  1. Fill the bucket with warm water and keep the tools ready.
  2. Start vacuuming the area you wish to clean to get rid of dust and dirt. 
  3. If you are using baking soda, sprinkle the stain completely with the soda. If you are going with dish soap, measure the size of the stain and use 1 tablespoon per 5 to 10 inches of stain. 
  4. Swoosh it around properly until bubbles start appearing. 
  5. Use the toothbrush and the rag to gently scrub the stain with warm water. 
  6. Make sure not to completely soak up the floor. It should be wet enough to scrub off the dirt/stain. 
  7. Then, turn on the fans and open nearby windows to dry off the carpet.
  8. Finish it off with a final vacuuming. 

Deep Cleaning Carpets By Hand

We have also got an old-school carpet cleaning technique that can be done by hand. All you need is a few extra ingredients. But those ingredients will cost far less than renting a carpet protector machine. 

Cleaning ingredients needed –

  • Water and dish soap mixture
  • Table salt (sea salt and kosher salt will also work)
  • Baking soda

Tools needed –   

  • Stiff-bristled scrubbing brush. Usually, a large one works the best.
  • Spray bottle
  • Some old rags or towels (You can use an old shirt too)

The process –

  1. Mix a tiny bit of soap (1/8 teaspoon) with water in the spray bottle. Shake it to mix it up.
  2. Sprinkle the dirty area with baking soda and table salt. Don’t cover it completely. 
  3. Then, spray the mixture of soapy water over the area. Let it absorb into the area for a few minutes.
  4. Use the brush to clean the carpet in one direction. In this way, you can accumulate the hair and debris on the carpet.
  5. Start cleaning with the brush again by moving 90 degrees from the original direction. 
  6. Press the towels into the carpet to saturate it with water.
  7. Let the area dry. Then, empty up the soapy mix from the spray bottle and mix it with regular water. Then, give the carpet a light spray with it. 
  8. Finally, press the cloth towels into the carpet. 

This method cleans carpet just like the heavy carpet protector machines. Also, it is safe to use it around children and pets. 

Don’t Want To Get Your Hands Dirty? Go For Professional Carpet Protection Services

Professional carpet protector services like All-Pro Shining backed by years of expertise will be your best choice if carpet cleaning seems like a hefty task for you. 

We have cleaned the filthiest carpets efficiently with our eco-friendly cleaning products. We bring the best carpet cleaning services at reasonable prices to our clients. 


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